Monday, August 27, 2007

Aaaaargh.... what is the worst curse mankind has ever had, u ask me, ask me what is the single thing that has proved to be the biggest side effect of all the times.... Leave that thing aside for awhile and let's try to convict the original culprit who is the root of all the bad causes that has caused tremendous damage to the society, human kind and most importantly also to itself. If I were to ask it to present itself before me, I wouldn't have taken even a second to sentence it to go back to the start of the times and come back to the present time in a rectified and orderly manner... I would sentence it to rigorous imprisonment of trillion centuries in the remotest andman nicobar islands of the universe few quadrillions light years away, or would dump it into the biggest and darkest black hole.... Ask me, and I don't give a damn to Salman khan's crime against innocent black bucks... or Lindsay Lohan's shop lifting act or Sanju baba's convincing attempt by conducting his own version of 'Experiments of the Truth' as a self imposed penance even after being found guilty of bhai da accomplice [ it's no french, it's just punjabi ;) ... for that matter the only french connections I have are: my beard that i name it, the kiss i see in hollywood flicks, the cycling race i see the whole month which a postman from my current land of residence used to come first, and last and least the underewear i wear ]. I won't even give a dime as a charity to Britney's Rehabilitation Aid nor will i crucify Indian team or BCCI for focusing on everything but the actual game...

But i can't even think of forgiving this most wanted for crime of crimes and it is none other that the Computer Science a.k.a Information Technology a.k.a. Software Engineering... yes this is it, who has done the undoable to both Computers and Science alike.... It must be held guilty for the way it has mis-directed the whole human generation into complete dis-array.... Science was happily making progress slowly and steadily on its way to find answer to the biggest question of all, leading us to constantly move forward towards the goal whatever it might had been planned for us... all its ancestors did the same things too during ice- age, stone-age, copper-age, even till recently, till iron-age but then's when it started to behave like a son of super-rich mugal a spoilt brat and then's when we started to lose it all... computer science borned and borned as a thorn in the horn of our evolution....

It claims itself as a science while it knows it isn't anywhere near to it, a mere set of misconcieved notions that solutions can be found by simulating the same scenario mechanically. It's just an art so perfected of trying to perform the same computation by imitating the problem domain 1000 times in the hope that it will work out correctly one time.... and also without any theory to prove it has indeed been worked out, finally....

The very base of this bundle of thoughts that revolves around anything related to computation relies on flawed assumption that there can be only two things that can happen in the world at a given time... in the vast world of umpteen parallel ways of co-exitence of the same patterns the same time it could only be this scientific blunder to consider that a system can exist in only one of the two states at a a time.... 0 or 1, how ridiculous! there are atleast three different colors to even simplest state machine as a street signal and given the flip-flap-flop permutations it can toggle between any of all the 3! possiblities.... if it had to be a "Computer Science" to tell the mankind that two and two comes to 4 then that thing could have been done in a nearabout complete manner even by a chimpanzee, given enough banana stock to the mammal. Give an ape a light bulb, it will toggle it on and off a few hundred times and after knowing the perfect pattern it can easily answer any of your seemingly complex computational problem!

This science gives a wrong impression that its best produce, "computer", knows it all... it is an intelligent machine... whereas we all know, even who knows ABC of this science can tell that that's not the case... its just a dumb electronic cage which we have stuffed a bird and all the atsrologial cards in and whenever we need to find an answer we open out the parrot to pick an appropriate card, that unfortunately tells how mis-fortunate idiots we have made of ourselves by trying to rely on it...

Computer Science, it is the most alien of all sciences, most unknown to the mankind... that is also because there is nothing scientific about it... it's just like a pet hobby of a dropped out student who has been given a magical lamp and not knowing what to exactly do with it and after rubbing it from all sides in the hope that jeannie will come out, finally finds the best use of it... as a dump-pot... Terms like virtual-reality, artificial intelligence, advanced computing, micro and macro computing and networking are all nothing but just like the false promises of a presidential candidate to lure in the crowd but later sublime in the atmoshpere like smoke coming out of the cigars of this same spoilt brat, the computer science!

It has done nothing more than providing the movie writers the food for their thought... something that they always relied on... be it flying planes, or landing on the moon... (but the respective sciences have also backed their notions by proving them in reality too). Ever since humans have started thinking, they must've been inspired by the power of imagination and thoughts and that must be the driving force behind their strife to provide scientific developments to innovate and solve the problem. It is just so unforunate and ironical that it seems that we are reaching the dead end on that thought process ever since the computer science started following a wrong track... one can just wish we get out of the clutches of self-clamped make-beliefs and fly free again to make the ammends....

P.S. Just imagine, had it not been binary arithmeic, what would it have mean to us... so, even if we had followed the street signals logic CPU's would have been performing operations at the rate apprx. 3 to the power x instead of 2 to the power x... extrapolate it a bit more and we can eaily find the age of that distant star in a day instead of few hundred years from now!!! Agreed, there were only cathodes and anodes to begin with but now why can't we think of neutrode / alphode / gammode / betode / sandode or for that matter why do we want to rely only on amplitude / power / voltage of the charge why not on the other parameters like frequency and (electro)magnetism... or for that matter why we still thinking of hard wired systems to help us solve problems. we have light that is already travelling fast in the fibres too, why not trap it for computer science???
that's the biggest harm computer science has done to itself, it has led the community to stop thinking because it has reduced the scope of the box, it just shows those astrological cards that are stuffed inside it!!!

कितने जवाबों के सवाल, कई अनसुलझी पहेलियाँ, कई मंजिलें जहाँ जाना अभी हैं बाक़ी,
कितने खयालों के बवाल, कई अनदेखी नवेलियां, कई जिंदगियां जिसे जीना अभी हैं बाक़ी...

देखें तो ख़्वाब कईं, लेकिन ख्वाबों में भी एक ख्वाब ऐसा हो,
चमकें तो सितारें कई, लेकिन उनमें भी एक आफताब जैसा हो...

चलने को तो हैं राहें कई, लेकिन पहुंचना हैं आख़िर वही,
निकल पडो उस राह पर, जहाँ कदमो के निशाँ ना हो कोई
(कवी - संदिप )

Not bad, this is nice feature that blogger has come up with... though there were few other transliteration tools available so far but it's builtin editing support definitely gives much needed assistance to all those wanted it since long...
It's no news that the internet giant is making big strides in the innovation and leveraging the web 2.0 and 3.0 initiative, but same time one wouldn't make mistake to notice there is something lacking there... the service model, the www restrictions, the real lack of out_of_box_light_bulb_idea even with all the momentous brain power and reserves of pin money, still it's nowhere on the way to take it to be the next car_in_every_house and desktop_in_every_household provider... maybe it can do certain ammends and look far and beyond the ocular vision. just for fun one can hope it doesn't join the list of those sudden shining stars which shot themselves down to oblivion just within a generation...