Monday, July 11, 2011

G+ not Plus, rather old G in new bottle!

G+ so far - me no likey...

So, let's take a look, what's new in G+ ? virtually nothing... everything was already there and they have just brought that all together...

  • Hangouts = gtalk's vdo chat extended to a grp, i would prefer FB's slick and simple 1-to-1 vdo chat...
  • Sparks = there was already a google reader? and the rss feed sources it choses itself - pretty bad, those are not what i want to refer to... for e.g. it gives news about technology and cricket from sources I am not at all interested in and they are quite outdated... :(
  • Photo sharing = picasa
  • Video sharing = youtube, every website on the earth have embedded vdo sharing capability including youtube itself...
  • Circles = copied from My 7 Circles of ? not sure why should i create circles myself, and what are those really for... chat / sharing stuff ? but then i can't manage friends in a circle that well... i have created some circles and grouped friends as i think they should be grouped in... then while doing hangouts or sharing some stuff i don't want to chat or share some things with everybody in the group rather with just a few in that circle, then there is some stuff i would want to chat or share with just a few other in the same circle ... so circles are virtually useless for me.... all in all circle management is pretty confusing... real life circles are dynamic how do i mimic those in here? not working for me...
  • no marketplace yet, no apps, no games, no sdk/dev tools...?
So, all in all i think google had lot of stuff lying around and they just brought them on same page and tried to call it social networking platform... i know it's still in preview phase and things will improve and it will only add some more features from google's secret treasure like Google Disco, Places, Shopping, Travel (integrated with ITA) etc... but so far not what i was expecting...

Orkut is far better than google+ it is more about friends and sharing between them and Google+ is trying to chew more than it can swallow...