Saturday, March 13, 2004


But You Didnt.......

Remember the time when I took your brand new car out and dented it?I thought
you would kill me...........But you didnt.............

And the time when I dragged you to the beach saying that it wouldnt rain
even though you said it would and it actually did?I thought you would say "I
told you"..................But you didnt..........

And the time when I flirted with all the guys at the party , just to make
you jealous and you were.I thought you would leave me...............But you

And the time I forgot to tell you that the dance was formal and you turned
up in jeans.......I thought you would drop me........But you didnt.........

These were a few things and many more about which I wanted to make up to you
once you returned from the War............. But you didnt...............

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