Thursday, May 08, 2003

What's in name ? Sometimes conversations can go really wild, weird and wayward that even words can not contain the meanings, emotions and intentions of the speaker. But then the participants are so engrossed that they know whats going on.
Its fun actually !And I have been witnessing such a few incidences these days...
Take this...
1. Topic : Cinema (lunch table)
Between a very usually cool talks on Movies I somehow sparked a debate over "If every movie has a color", and eventually everyone like agreeing this weird thought started to pour in more inputs...
Me said : "Look Devdas was so Red ?,And DCH" (everybody in unison), "That was kinda blue, right?" (might be because of so many beaches). "Oh very true" :-))Then some one went on to term Kaante as yelowish orange... N so it went to cover the remaining shades of rainbow...

2. Topic : (How names were derived and how to keep them "cool")
I proposed lets take first few letters from first one and first few from surname and thoda alter them to sound cool...
So it begun again...

E.g. Aishwarya Rai -> Ash Ray...

Me -> Sun Shine...
him -> Pankha (Pan Kha..)
him -> Vish Pat (and not Vish-Amrut nor Chit-Pat)
him -> Promo
him -> Kauwa (Kau. Va.)
him -> Soothy (Su. Di.)...
her -> Deep Ups (and not push ups)
him -> Rajan...

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